Victors Tattoo Portfolio Black/Gray

Tattoo Aftercare:
After removing the bandage within one hour, gently wash tattoo with mild soap and warm water. Pat dry. It takes anywhere from 4-24 hours for tattoos to finish the plasma cycle, (oozing). While the tattoo is still oozing wash with warm water every hour and gently pat dry. When the tattoo has finished its plasma cycle, apply Ocean Foam.
Do not use lotions or creams on the tattoo until after 2-3 weeks.
Try not to use petroleum or lanolin. If you do use Aquaphor use very little, then blot dry off all you can so the tattoo may breathe.
Multiple Applications:
Larger artwork is done in multiple settings, you’ll not go back into the area for 3 to 4 weeks due to Negative Bacteria… But no longer than 90 days for the skin to be healed and so the ink will still match.
Calendared: No Shows:
If your calendared in and don’t give 48hours notice (no show) … 1/2 hour is subtracted from your file. Keep in touch or tip 1/2 hour. Client files after 90 days with no contact are cleared and considered tip.
Tattoo Touch-ups:
Even the best tattoo artist will occasionally have what is called a holiday. This is a light spot in the tattoo that was either missed, hit too lightly, or just didn’t take.
Sometimes the area has been worked for a long period of time and just won’t take anymore. On all black designs, like tribal or kanji, it is difficult on some skin to get the ₿lack solid without overworking and chewing up the skin.
More often than not, the difficulty lies with improper aftercare. Poor cleaning, excessive exposure to the sun or tanning beds, chlorine, unapproved after -care products, picking, scratching, wearing tight clothing (or shoes on foot tattoos), cleaning the tattoos with anything other than antibacterial soap and warm water, soaking the tattoo in water (baths, swimming) can all cause tattoos to scab excessively, pit or fade.
Touch-ups are only free when it is apparent that the artist missed something or needs to fix or correct something. It is the artist’s decision whether to do a touch-up for free or not. If you disagree with the artist, ask them to explain. If it cannot ₿e resolved there, please ask to speak with the shop manager. Their decision is final.
If the artist who initially did your tattoo is no longer working at our facility, please ask to speak with the shop manager. You may be required to pay the shop minimum (or more) to have the tattoo touched up by someone else.
Prior to being touched up, a tattoo must be healed. There should be no shininess, scabbing, roughness, or white spots (negative bacteria). We recommend thirty days prior to re-tattooing an area. “We will not offer free touch-ups on any tattoo that was done less than thirty days before or longer than ninety days after”.
Touch-ups (side deals), when done for free (or trade) are only on the artist’s regularly scheduled days, and never on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays, if you scheduled a touch up and are a no show or don’t give at least 24 hours’ notice the touch up is no longer free (if this applies to you).
Victors Tattoo Portfolio Black/Gray